Dear members of the association,
Dear friends,
On Thursday, the 18th of November 2021, a new board of directors took over the IMS BAUHAUS® Archineer® Institutes e.V. association. On behalf of all members, we would like to express our special thanks to Robert Off, who founded and built up this association and has led it with great passion to this day. Without Robert Off, the association and many of its members would not be where they are today.
We are even more pleased that the new board of directors is ready to take care of the association's future and is ready to break new ground.
On behalf of the entire IMS-team, we would like to congratulate our long-time member Heidrun Bögner-Balz on becoming the 1st Board Director and Director of Research. At her side, Sarah von der Weth will lead the IMS BAUHAUS® Archineer® Institutes e.V. as 2nd Board Director in the future.
Our board will be actively supported by Lars Schiemann as Director of Teaching, Karsten Moritz as Director of the Specialist Engineering Education, Gerry DAnza as Director of Strategic Development and Marketing, Michael Kuhn as Director of Real Estate and Infrastructure and finally Robert Prof. Dr. Off will remain with us as Director of International Relations.
We wish the new Board all the best in the tasks ahead.