Modern e-learning and e-tutoring during the weekend.
Ideal alongside your job.
Real experts
Excellent lecturers from leading universities,
research institutes and engineering companies.
Open to all
No admission restrictions. Open to all interested people
in the special field of membrane construction.
IMS BAUHAUS® Basic Course "Archineer® in Membrane Structures"
Since 2006, our institute has been carried out several programmes in Membrane Structures. Well known is the unique Master and Archineer programme, which was taking place at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Dessau-Rosslau. More than 350 architects and engineers have been trained so far in this special field of construction. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Robert Off, participants learned to design, calculate, detail, build and maintain lightweight textile structures.
Training conditions around the world have changed rapidly since the pandemic. Therefore, we have decided to adapt to the situation and offer our courses online from now on. This will allow people all over the world to easily participate in our programs and learn how to master membrane and lightweight structures.
Aim of the programme
The programme is an advanced professional training in order to provide a profound overall education in membrane lightweight structures to a wide range of professionals, such as architects, engineers, craftsmen, managers and anyone else working in this field. The course is designed to be easily completed on a part-time basis. No admission or travel restrictions simplify participation for interested parties. Upon completion, students are awarded the IMS BAUHAUS Degree® Archineer®, a protected, internationally registered trademark exclusively licensed by our institute and well-known in the industry.
Course content
5 weekends online lectures ++ 4 weekends online tutorials ++ 3 weekends online workshops
6 months of guided learning in total
Structural Design
Historical background
Design process
Form finding methods
Concept of utilization and Applications
Computational workshop on structural design with ixCube 4-10 v 4.xx Professional
Materials & Structural Analysis
Membrane materials and properties
Material testing
Structural system calculation
Loads and combinations
Safety concept
Computational workshop on structural calculation with ixCube 4-10 v 4.xx Professional
Detailing and Patterning
Edge details, cables, anchorages,
Corner plates, base plates, masts,
Cutting patterns
Computational workshop on detailing and patterning with ixCube v 4.xx Professional
Fabrication and Construction
Cutting Pattern in workshop
Connections and detail fabrication
Welding techniques and machines
Site facilities and operational safety
Erection principles
Service and maintenance
Project presentations
Download Study schedule Archineer® in Membrane Structures
Download Curriculum Archineer® in Membrane Structures
Time schedule and work load
The online lecture will be livestreamed every Friday and Saturday from 13:00 to 18:00 CET including breaks. In the event that direct attendance is not possible, lectures are recorded in consultation with the lectures and made available for a limited time. Nevertheless, a recording cannot be guaranteed in every case.
A student project has to be worked out alongside the modules. The study project is handed out at the beginning of the online tutorials and presented at the end of the course. The project presentation and the completion of the subtasks are the basis for passing the course.
Technical information
The online lectures will be held by ZOOM.
Throughout the study period, participants will be provided with the latest version of the ixCube 4-10 professional software by ixRay ltd. free of charge.